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This edited collection of essays explores the impact of Jesus within and beyond Christianity, including his many afterlives in literature and the arts, social justice and world religion. The term ‘afterlife’ is being used in the sense that Yvonne Sherwood did in her volume on Jonah: A biblical text and its afterlives: The survival of Jonah in western culture. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

The focus of the collection is on exploring the afterlives of Jesus in various cultural and religious contexts over the past 2,000 years and especially in the present global context.

This volume is not an exercise in Christian apologetics, nor is it an interfaith project; except in the sense that many of the contributors will be from Christian context while a great many others will be from other religious and cultural contexts.

The essays offer the reader original work that is grounded in critical scholarship and/or reflective practice, but expressed in non-technical language so the information is accessible to educated non-specialists.

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